Aims & Objectives
Main objective:
To improve our present understanding of the impact of micro- and nano-plastics (MP/NP) and associated additives/adsorbed contaminants (A/C) in the human body
Relationships between specific objectives:
Specific objectives:
1. Develop a set of well-characterised MP/NP test and reference materials
2. Establish validated methods for measuring MP/NP in complex matrices
3. Assess exposure levels/sources (food, drinking water, air, human tissue, blood, faeces, urine, mucus, personal care products) and fate of MP/NP in the human body
4. Develop in vitro/in vivo models, and study effects of MP/NP in the human body
5. Integrate human risk assessment and management (web-based DSS)
6. Develop case studies to assess feasibility of established methodologies
7. Contribute to relevant EU strategies and international standardization efforts

Steps to success