The European Research Cluster to Understand the Health Impacts of Micro- and Nanoplastics
PlasticsFatE is one of five projects that currently form CUSP: the European Research Cluster to Understand the Health Impacts of Micro and Nanoplastics. This is a collaborative cluster focusing on many different aspects of the potential health impacts of MNPs.
The five projects are working together to enhance impact by synergising communication and dissemination strategies, and sharing expertise, such as analytical methods, exposure assessments, inter-lab comparisons, representative materials and data exchange.
CUSP will also closely collaborate with the EC Joint Research Centre, and annual cluster meetings will be organized to report on joint activities within and beyond the cluster.
About CUSP:
Our Sibling Projects:
Actionable eUropean ROadmap for early-life health Risk Assessment of micro- and nanoplastics
Project Coordinators: Roel Vermeulen, Danielle Roordink
Communications contact: Jane Muncke
An Innovative analytical platform to investigate the effect and toxicity of micro and nano plastics combined with environmental contaminants on the risk of allergic disease
Project Coordinators:Tanja Cirkovic Velickovic, Laura Vivani
Communications contact: Laura Vivani
Innovative tools to study the impact and mode of action of micro and nanoplastics on human health: towards a knowledge base for risk assessment
Project Coordinators: Ricard Marcos, Alba Hernández
Communications contact: Virginia Mata Marcano
Understanding human exposure and health hazard of micro- and nanoplastic contaminants in our environment.
Project Coordinators: Raymond Pieters
Communications contact: Julianna Angelova
Get in touch:
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The CUSP Working Groups:
Analytical methods and representative materials
Lead project: ImpTox
PlasticsFatE Representative(s)
Anna Costa ISTEC-CNR, Magda Blosi ISTEC-CNR
Data sharing
Lead project: POLYRISK
PlasticsFatE Representative
Damjana Drobne University of Ljubliana
Inter-laboratory comparisons
Lead project: PlasticsFatE
PlasticsFatE Representative and WG Lead
Korinna Altmann BAM
Exposure assessment
Lead project: AURORA
PlasticsFatE Representatives
Ruud Peters WFSR, Meike van der Zande WFSR
Risk assessment
Lead project: PLASTICHEAL
PlasticsFatE Representative
Dana Kuehnel UFZ
Communication and Dissemination
Lead project: PlasticsFatE
PlasticsFatE Representative and WG Lead
Lesley Tobin OPTIMAT