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CUSP Website Live Now

The CUSP website is live and kicking! What is CUSP?

PlasticsFatE together with AURORA , IMPTOX, PLASTICHEAL , and POLYRISK, is one of five European main research projects currently working to understand micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) in our environment and their exposures and impacts on health.

To optimise synergies, the five projects have formed the European Research Cluster to Understand the Health Impacts of Micro- and Nanoplastic (CUSP). The results of the research will contribute to the health-relevant aims of the European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy and the Bioeconomy Strategy, as well as the REACH restrictions on intentionally added MNPs to products, by providing new evidence for better preventive policies.

These projects are publicly funded under a call within the European Union's Horizon 2020 program.

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