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Introduction to and Training on Risk Assessment for Micro and Nanoplastics

29th March 2022 - 10:00 - 15:00 CET

This interactive workshop provides an introduction to risk assessment for micro and nanoplastics and invites participants to fully engage in the live session.

In this workshop, the lecturers will provide an introduction to risk assessment for micro and nanoplastics (MNPs) and participants will be given an overview on the basics of risk assessment and various tools to support the assessment procedure. The lecturers hope for feedback from the participants on data needs and availability as well as which tools might exist in the portfolios of the MNP projects and/or MNP Cluster partners.

Following a welcome by the Project Coordinators, the workshop will start with an overview by Dana Kühnel [UFZ Leipzig, DE] on the current regulation of polymers. Some of the main tools and methods for risk assessment will be shown. In a feedback round supported by a mentimeter query, crucial topics and issues to consider for human risk assessment will be discussed.

In a second lecture, Blanca Pozuelo Rollón [ITENE, Paterna, SP] will demonstrate a first approach for the decision support system (DSS) that she and her colleagues are developing. In the feedback session will enable a discussion of your impressions of the approach and the tools used. The focus will be placed on existing tools, tools under development, and additional tools, and how are they provided and integrated into risk assessment. A discussion on data sharing in the project and the implementation in the web-based DSS platform will complete this session.

Bernd Giese [BOKU Vienna, AT] will introduce the Prospective Multi-Criteria Decision Support System for plastics (PMCDS) and its intended use in the context of PlasticsFatE. Sebastian Purker [BOKU Vienna, AT] will then give the audience the opportunity in a discussion round to add and rank the main criteria via mentimeter; for example, on the relevance of the proposed criteria and what could be important features of the tool. In an open discussion session, led by Bernd Giese and Sebastian Purker, the results of the feedback from the mentimeter query will be collected and discussed. A final discussion on the information needs for the different criteria and for the application of the tool will give indications of other PMCDS data needs, on the data partners are collecting, and how they can be integrated into the PMCDS.

Finally, Damjana Drobne [Univ. of Ljubljana, Slovenia] will deliver a lecture on the importance of data management as well as the recommendations and suggestions of the RD manager in PlasticsFatE.

To conclude, Dana Kühnel will summarise the training workshop.

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