CUSP - The European research cluster to understand the health impacts of MNPs - invites you to take part in the final workshop in our series:
Practice-based analysis of data needs, availability, reuse and gaps for MNP risk-related tools
As part of CUSP’s aim to investigate and discuss the applicability of existing risk assessment frameworks related to micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs), the CUSP Working Group on Risk Assessment (WG5) and the CUSP member projects are organizing a series of three online thematic workshops under the theme “Human Risk assessment of Micro- and Nanoplastics (MNPs)”.
This third workshop, organised by CUSP WG5 and the PlasticsFatE project, takes place on April 21, 2023, 09:00 - 13:30 CEST, and will have a more practical focus.
After a brief review of the results of the first and second workshop in terms of data needs, contributions from the different CUSP projects will describe the types of data needed for tools to characterize MNP risks. We will attempt to capture the specific requirements and have a structured discussion to determine if the tools are compatible with the data produced or if there are gaps.
Sometimes the data will need to be processed first before it can be used in the tools. In addition, the quality of the studies in which the data were produced also plays a role. These two topics will be addressed in the second part of the workshop. A third presentation in this session will give an introduction to possible data sources and the available data types and definitions.
The event is free and open to all interested stakeholders, including researchers, policy makers, and individuals interested in risk assessment of MNPs.
For all enquiries, please contact /
