Combatting Microplastic Pollution: CUSP’s Work Highlights the Importance of Research for Informing EU Policy
What are the fate and effects of
micro- and nano-plastics on human health?
Our Mission
Latest Project News
Micro- and Nanoplastics and Public Health: Key Insights and Implications
Ground-breaking Study Reveals How Micro- and Nanoplastics Affect Human Immune Cells
MAELSTROM One Ocean, One Health Welcomes PlasticsFatE's Perspective
CUSP: Join us at SETAC 2024 in two major sessions
Exploring the Impact of Micro & Nanoplastics on Intestinal Health: Insights from Cutting-Edge Research Presented at the Society of Toxicology
Seas of Plastic - PlasticsFatE partner Gaiker explains hazards on TV
Microplastics are not microplastics – physical properties matter for their interactions with cells
CUSP Early Career Researchers Share Progress and Launch Videos
How do you Solve a Problem like Micro and Nanoplastics? Insights from our World Café
CUSP Takes a Voyage around HaDEA
SETAC 2024 - Call for Abstracts
CUSP scientists interviewed on their research: Can microplastics carry infectious diseases?
Summertime Reading! PlasticsFatE's Newsletter is out
PlasticsFatE's Progress at the End of Year Two
CUSP 2023 International Conference
PlasticsFatE Partners Team up in Oslo
Advances in hazard assessment of micro- and nanoplastics and contaminants in humans
Collaborations with PlasticTrace and ILSI to improve understanding of MNPs for food safety
UN Environment Programme report: Chemicals in Plastics
PlasticsFatE Coordinator - Rudolf Reuther - speaks to Greenpeace Magazine
German Research Foundation (DFG) extends CRC 'Microplastics' at University of Bayreuth
New Research Output: Microbial colonization and associated health risks
CUSP and EDIAQI - an IDEAL Collaboration!
The WHO Europe Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
PlasticsFatE partners find the presence of proteins encourages the dispersion of microplastics
CUSP at the WHO’s 7th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health
PlasticsFatE and CUSP at nanoSAFE and NanoSafety Cluster Conference June 2023
PlasticsFatE - Boosting the Careers of our Young Researchers
CUSP - hot off the press: the Cluster's latest news
Human Risk Assessment of MNPs - CUSP Workshop #3
CUSP announces workshop series on Human Risk Assessment of MNPs
Free Seminar - Automated particle recognition software for Raman microscopes
Microplastics in human tissue samples: International study warns against premature conclusions
From Science to Policy - CUSP's First Policy Brief is Published
PlasticsFatE Newsletter #2 - Out Now!
Environment & Health - New EU factsheet and catalogue
PlasticsFatE at VAMAS Event: Measurement needs for microplastics
GAIKER Researcher Introduces New Approach Methods to Human Tox Students
PlasticsFatE Holds a 'Wee' General Assembly in Edinburgh
Team PlasticsFatE Meet at Last
Plastic Particles in Human Blood Detected and Quantified
Introduction to and Training on Risk Assessment for Micro and Nanoplastics
Read all about it! PlasticsFatE Publishes Project Newsletter No.1
PET Microplastics - evidence of degradation during human digestion.
CUSP - University of British Columbia
We eat and inhale thousands of bits of plastic every year. Now what?
PlasticsFatE First General Assembly
PlasticsFatE Debuts at ImagineNano
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